Deep Green Circle Blur

True wellness comes from being healthy in body and mind.

Care for both with a yoga routine that nurtures your strength, flexibility, and balance.

Elm Tree Yoga

With Sarah Wraith

Sarah has been practicing yoga for over 12 years and is passionate about the benefits yoga can bring to both mind and body. She looks to achieve a balance of strength, flexibility, and breath in movement, working with an appreciation and understanding of anatomy and physiology, indulging in the rich philosophy and tradition of yoga, so be prepared to hear a philosophical quote or two!

Sarah's classes are welcoming, relaxed and informal and yet at the same time full of purpose and intention, making yoga accessible and very much for all, and not this 'thing' that only the most bendy and stretchy of us can do!

A nourishing class of flowing movement and breath, leaving you feeling balanced, connected and invigorated

Sarah has been running classes in Cam for the last couple of ​years, and runs classes at Kingshill House, enjoying the space ​and light of the beautiful Littleford Room.


Sarah has a foundation diploma with the Bristol Wheel of ​Yoga and is a qualified yoga teacher with Yoga Alliance and a ​member of Yoga Alliance Professionals UK.


Sarah’s classes are vinyasa in style meaning there will be movement with intention, as you move from one posture to another with a real focus on the breath as you are encouraged to find your own breath and connection.

All classes are mixed ability - from beginners to those who wish to work deeper and stronger. Sarah believes yoga is for everyone, regardless of age, fitness level or shape.

Thursday 5.30pm - 6.30pm

Thursday 7pm - 8pm

Monday 10am - 11am

Classes are £10 per session and are booked as a block of 6 weeks or to fit with the Gloucestershire school term.

During July and August, classes are offered as pay as you go offering flexibility over the summer months and an ​opportunity for those new or returning to yoga to come and try out a class.

All classes need to be booked in advance.

If you’re new to yoga, or wish to take up a regular class, please do drop Sarah a note to find out more!

“I’ve been really enjoying my ​yoga practice these last 6 ​months and I look forward to it ​every week.

For someone that was reluctant ​to leave their home town, I’ve ​found a really lovely connection ​with people in this area and ​that’s in part thanks to you.”

“I’ve had a super time this ​term and can honestly say I ​notice the difference every ​day. Thank you.”

“As a complete newbie to yoga, ​I was feeling somewhat ​daunted when I signed up. But ​from the first session, you ​made me feel very at ease and I ​have really enjoyed your fun, ​upbeat style of teaching.”

Elm Tree Bark

Get in Touch

Elm Tree Yoga

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07976 820987

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